Monday, 28 October 2013

How To Buy Best Cheap Android Phone Or Tablet

Guide For How To Find And Buy Best Phone Android Phone Or Tablet Cheapest And According To Your Requirements

There are million of android devices on this planet but which one is best for you and you and you only is most difficult task for everyone who want to buy a Android Device.
First you have to find what you need other than standard usage in these fields .
  1. Connectivity
  2. Screen and Size
  3. Camera MPs
  4. Internal Memory if it matter to you
  5. RAM Memory capacity  and Processor’s GHz Cores
  6. Android Version
  7. Sensors
  8. Battery
These are Things to Find is Your Way to a Good Android Smartphone that will meat your every day needs.
  • Connectivity
Connectivity is the First in list to decide how your will communicate with outer world.Type of SIM,Number of SIMs,2G,3G (internally or externally in Tablet) or Too Advance to Go for 4G depends upon on the GROUND you are standing COUNTRY IF its support.Not talk about WiFi it is now must in every device.
  • Screen and Size
Screen Type have Great Impact on Price and battery Higher the Pixel Density (PPI) More Will battery be consumed and more will be price higher.Screen Size is also important factor larger the Screen more Phone will become bigger  and wider more will be difficult to use by single hand.Screen Protection if you handle phone roughly is must. 
  • Camera MPs
Increase in Resolution does not mean that picture quality will be good the image sensor will decide that.Top Phone Manufacture Do their homework in this field properly like Nokia,Apple,Sony and Samsung are batter then Huawei or other companies.Auto Focus and simultaneous HD video and image recording are bounce for you.
  • Internal Memory
Internal Memory is far more fast than External Memory there for It cost money you have to decide how much you need.
ROM or Memory Available for Apps important thing if you are buy it for GAMES. 
  • RAM Processors And Price Relation 
RAM is the Price You are Paying The More RAM the More Faster the Device Will be
256MBs RAM Phone costs 7K (70$) or less never more if you are going to robed regardless of Single Dual Quad Core Processor because it will have no effect on Phone Speed and You Will Never Seen a 720p(1280x720) Video in Life on This Phone.
512MB RAM  Phone costs 10K (100$)or more if dual core/Quad core Processor  this will also have no effect on  compatibilities.On this device you can play almost all 720p(1280x720) videos but not possible to play 1080p (1920x1080) video.
1GB (1000MB) RAM Phone Costs 20K flat (200$) at least because HTC Amaze 4G is of 20K with 1GB RAM plays almost all videos With
2GB (2000MB) RAM Phone Costs 40K (400$) nearly and will support 4K in Android 4.3 too  
3GB (3000MB) is New so Its Range depends on how much you paid for it Maybe 60K or 50K.

RAM 256MB 512MB 1GB 2GB 3GB
Video Playback
Maybe 4K on some 4.3
4K on Android 4.3
Cores          Effectiveness
Single Core 800MHz
Single Core 1GHz
Dual Core 1.4 GHz
Quad Core 1.5 GHz
Octa Core 1.4 GHz
Price RS
7K        (70$)
10K   (100$)
20K (200$)
40K   (400$)

  • Android Version
Android Version Does Not Matter if it is 4.0 or above because there is less difference in features in these versions but older then 4.0 gives a lot of limitations for Game Apps and Features it is batter to have at least ANDROID 4.0 
  • Sensors
Sensors are Important part of a Device and play a key role Phone Must have at least these  Sensors
Light : Sensor to measure the light falling on phone mostly present near screen and front camera it enable phone to adjust brightness of Device according to light condition in surrounding environment Helps lot when using Device in Sunlight
Proximity : Proximity Sensor detect object near phone mostly present near screen and front camera it it use full while calling it turn off display when place phone near ear and screen automatically turn on when move away from ear.Mean never need to turn on screen during a call 
Orientation : Accelerometers support 3-axis and Gyroscopes 6-axis  with rotation detection and orientation of Phone.
Magnetic Sensor : As heard from name used to find direction like compass some devices have separate Compass dedicated for that work Magnetic Sensor also use to detect magnetic field changes like metal detectors.       
 GPS : or precisely AGPS used to find position on the earth up to accuracy of a meter.It is Must if You Drive a lot and works without Internet connectivity offline.In Tablet PC GPS mostly not present.   
  • Battery
The most significant thing in a portable gadget is battery which effect overall device experience battery Power is mostly measured in mAh the table below shows over all backup time with different parameters which represents Actual Active usage of Android Device. WiFi is highest power consuming communication  it is batter to for a Android Device With higher mAh battery. 
mAh 800-1100 1100-1400 1400-2000 2500-4500 Tabs
Single Core 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 2 Day 2.5Ah
Dual Core .7 Day 1 Day 2 Days 2 Day 3Ah
Quad Core .5 Day 1 Day 2 Days 2 Day 3.5Ah
Screen 4 inches 4 inches 5 inches 7 inches
WiFi 3 hours 4 hours 6  hours 8 hours
To Help Yourself in Finding a good Android Device use GSM Arena Phone Finder

Saturday, 12 October 2013

How To Re Lock BitLocker Drive After Unlock Without Restart

By This Method You Can Re-lock Your BitLocker Drive Manually By A Single Click
BitLocker is a popular Drive Encryption for Windows it is available on Windows 7 Ultimate or Later versions.
It is Easy to Use But have a drawback that drives locks only when System is Restarted.
If you have to Lock Your Drive You Have To Restart PC it was only Available option to Lock .
Even If We Hibernate our Laptop Drive Remain Open.
Now by just adding registries Now You can Mount/Un Mount your BitLocker Drives.
Download File From Here

To Add Lock Option:

  1. Extract the Add Lock
  2. First run Lock-bde.vbs and give permission if ask for.
  3. copy Lock-bde.vbs to C:\Windows\System32 Click continue to give permission.
  4. Now run Add_lock-bde.reg click Yes and Ok
  5. Check Lock Option on Your BitLocker Drive by Right Click on BitLocker Drive.

To Remove Lock Option:

  1. Delete Lock-bde.vbs file from C:\Windows\System32 that You copied to Add Lock Option.
  2. Run To Remove Bit Lock Menu.reg.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

How To Make Bootable USB For Windows Ubuntu Linux Android Installation From Flash Drive

How To Make ISO Image From Disc and Make Bootable USB step by step Video Tutorial

Installing Windows or any other Operating System from a disc is a very time consuming method and full of problems.

CD/DVDs become corrupted with time due to scratches on it 

Every time you have to find Disc of that Operating system.

Some Laptops(Netbooks/Ultrabooks) don't have DVD ROM due to their Ultra slimness.

Almost all latest Operating System can be installed from USB pen drive By Making a bootable USB.
First you have to make ISO Image of Operating System if You don't have one.
Secondly you have to Burn File to USB.   
Software needed are:
MagicISO   (Download from here)
ISO to USB (Download from here)

while MagicISO Virtual CD/DVD-ROM is optional (Download from here)

Creating A ISO image from Disc:

Open MagicISO go to Tools> Make ISO from CD/DVD
Select CD/DVD Drive to use 
Select the path to save output of file
Select (Standard ISO Image file) .ISO from drop down list
Select Make CD Image and click OK.

wait to complete ISO creation process.

Making a Bootable USB Pendrive:

Open ISO to USB.
Select the ISO file to Burn.
Select USB drive to use. 
Check Bootable if you are making for Windows.
Wait to complete the burning proses may takes 5 to 10 minutes.
Method is illustrated in the video below.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Hotspot Shield Not Working on Android Get Alternative

Alternative To Hotspot Shield For Android and Any Other Devices Supports VPN No Need To Find App For Your Phone

Hotspot Shield is pretty good software for both Computers and Smartphone but on some devices it is not working force close or crashes 
Today I came up with a solution which is alternative to it but not less effective then Hotspot Shield it is a simple Peer 2 Peer Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)  VPN and supported on a number of Operating Systems (OS) for PC and Smartphone.
You can try it on your own phone on which Hotspot Shield not available or not working.
You don't have to install any software/app on PC/Phone just configure it.
Steps are simple and easy . 
  1. Register at a VPN service.
  2. Get Username and  Password through email.
  3. Configuration of Device for VPN

Step 1: Registration

Go To Link Here
Type your email address,click agree
click reddish one (left) button and then
click on single button

Step 2 Getting Username and Password:

Check your email account you entered in first step a email will be sent to your given email address in which Username and Password should be mentioned.

Username :    XXXXXXX
Password  :    **********
VPN Server   ***.***.***

Step 3 Configuration of Device for VPN:

For Android :

Go to Setting>More>VPN
Setup screen lock 
Add a VPN Network 
Name: any name 
Server address : address in email you received.
uncheck PPP encryption MPPE (if option available).
Save Setting and open created connection.
Enter username and password you received by email.
Check Save account information.
Tap Connect Button 
When VPN is connected you can get notification in notification bar.

Now Your Phone is a PTA Restricted Area





Now You can Use YouTube 

YouTube By VPN
You can disconnect from VPN by Opening VPN Properties Present in Notification bar or see Picture 6.

 For Windows:

Check VPN for Windows Here

General Layout For Every Device :

It will work on every phone which support PTPP VPN connection.
Just create a simple PTPP connection.
Enter IP of server,username and password.
No other extra option to select.
Nothing else.
I gave you one example of this method try one for your phone too.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Android Fast WiFi File Transfer Bluetooth Alternative

How To Transfer Files Between Android Phones Using WiFi 20 Times Faster Then Bluetooth Easy And Fast Method


One Phone act as AP and other as client choice is yours to whom you make AP or client.

We will use ES File Explorer  Here Google Play Link 

to transfer files.

You Can Also Transfer Files Between Android and iPhone here by same technique

Things You Need:

1) Two Android Phone Having ES File Explorer installed.

2) At least One Phone Having Portable WiFi Hotspot (Present on almost every Android phone today). 



Open ES File Explorer on both phones.

Press and hold on file you want to send you can send more then one file by ticking on other files and select share from more at lower right corner.

Now select send by LAN

Now you can create a hotspot network (AP ) so that other Phone can connect to it.

Now from other phone Connect to Created Hotspot network (For Example Fawad is WiFi name and 00000000 is password of WiFi to which you have to connect as show in Picture).

Now after connecting to network by WiFi you can transfer files between both Phones by ES File Explorer

Select File/Files and Tap Send
Now Select Phone To Which You Want To Send File (Remember ES File Explore must Be Open on Both Phone)

Select The Location to Save and that's it.

 I have Gained Transfer Rate of 1.9MB/s between Acer Android Boot and A5 Classic.

You Can Stream Videos from Your Android Phone to Other Android Phone by using Play To option give it a try.

Friday, 24 May 2013

How To Speed Up YouTube and Many Other Sites

Increase Buffering speed of YouTube and Hundreds of Other Sites


1.Avoid wasting time on Buffering.

2.Speed up videos while using VPN (Hotspot Shield)

3.No long steps


Things Need

1.A video Accelerator (SPEEDbit free one).Here

2.VPN service if YouTube is blocked in your country.(Hotspot Shield in My case).



Install SPEEDbit and start using YouTube Fast.


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

How to Download Android Apps In PC Directly From Google Play

Download Google Play Store Apps In PC


No need for internet to Download Apps in Phone just copy and past in phone memory.

Share a single app with multiple friends without downloading again for every phone.

Save apps in PC to keep phone memory free.

No More Wait for WiFi to Download App.

Lot of people use chrome browser no need to sacrifice on browsing.

Things You Need:

Android Phone.

Chrome Browser.

APK Dowloader. Download from here.


1. Download APK Downloader  

2.Open extension page in chrome from menu>Tools>Extensions. 


3.Drag and drop APK Downloader.crx file to Extensions page and click add.


4.Click Options of APK Downloader to open Login Menu.

5.Enter Your G mail ID and Password.And Device ID 

To Find Device ID 

Dial *#*#8255#*#*  and Find Device ID Starting with Android-____________

if this method is not working for your phone use Device ID app to find your Device ID Here 

Click login.

Now open Google Play Store and  open app page you want to download and click Google Play icon in Address bar to download that app.


Saturday, 11 May 2013

Viber for Windows and Desktop Official Release

Viber for PC Windows and Mac Official Release

Viber launched its Desktop version this week which people were waiting for a long time now people have freedom to use viber on the go and at home for those who don't have smartphone.
Download Viber for PC here 
The User interface is similar  to skype

Monday, 22 April 2013

How To download YouTube Videos On Android in Any Format

Download YouTube Videos in Different Format

Requirement For Pakistani Users

1. Android 1.6 or Higher Phone. 

2. Hotspot or any VPN service.

3. TubeMate.Download Here.





 Download in Any Format.(HD also sported)


Watch videos in low quality at without buffering while using VPN(Hotspot Shield ).



You must turn off Fast download Mode from preferences menu.(If You are Using VPN).


Sunday, 31 March 2013

Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic

How to Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic

This is a Universal Root script written by Bin4ry v15 which root almost all android 4.0 and 4.1 android phones.

Today i will show you how to root your Noir A5 Classic.

First Download Rooting kit of A5 Classic Here

and extract files. 

The rooting steeps are following.

Connect your phone via usb and enable USB debugging from Setting>Developer Option>check on USB debugging and tap OK

Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic

Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic
Add caption

If Windows search for drivers manually provide the location of drivers from Noir Classic USB ADB drivers.Present in extracted folder.

Now turn off your phone and after turn off  windows start searching for drivers again now provide the location of drivers from Noir A5 Classic Preloader VCOM.Present in extracted folder 

Now Turn on your phone and check that usb Debugging is on if not turn on it.

Now run  RunMe.bat present in Root_script_by_Bin4ry_v15 folder.

Type 1 in given menu

Now wait for this message to appear at the end 

Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic 

Tap Restore on phone when this screen appear.

Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic

Your Phone will restart Two to Three times.

Your Phone Is rooted now.To confirm check is SuperSU app installed.
Root Qmobile Noir A5 Classic
  If YES then Enjoy Your Rooted A5 Classic



Friday, 22 March 2013

How To Transfer files Wireless between Android and PC

Wireless File Transfer For Android and PC

We can transfer files between computer and android phones using WiFi of android phone having both computer and phone connected to same network or router and access it from browser we can read send sms see pictures videos transfer files install app wireless.

Things you need:

Both PC and Android Phone Connected to Same Router or network
AirDroid App  Download Here . or Download from Google Play Store search for AirDroid
A browse.

Lets Do it:

Install AirDroid and run it
Tap Start Button
Tap Start
Select the transfer method WiFi or Tethering using cable.
Tab WiFi setting
 Connect to WiFi router to which your PC is connected.
Connect to Router to Which your PC connected 
Go Back is IP is your ip address to access your mobile  type your ip address in your browser
Type password you see on phone screen

 Type password you see on mobile screen you can make a static password from setting.
That's it Transfer any thing you want

 Now you can transfer files sms any thing 

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Qmobile Noir A10 Review

Noir A10 Qmobile Specification

Qmoblie now launched an other Android phone with similar specification of A8 with some of improvement. But Qmobile is not willing to launch Android Phone with 1GB RAM.
Noir A10 takes a lot time to charge due to large batter and only 500mAh usb charger other charger will charge it faster like 1000mAh output rated 
Every comment will be replied so you can ask me about any thing related to this phone.
720p Videos (1280 x 720) are working all types
1080p Videos (1920 x 1080) are not completely supported audio lag in some (winnows media video coded files create trouble while playing)Many plays well.
The Touch Buttons are not very good factory fault.Does not response to touch frequently.Verified from two phones 

Specification are:




5.0 inches (11cm length,6.2cm width of Screen) 
IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen
480 x 854 screen resolution
240dpi Density (This is correct I was also shocked when checked by software) 


Orientation sensor
Magnetic Field
Accelerometer sensor
Proximity sensor
Light sensor 


8MP Back Camera With Auto Focus and dual LED flash and face detection 
VGA Front camera


Dual SIM
GSM 900/1800/1900
WCDMA 900/2100 (3G Supported Phone useless at present) 
WiFi Direct
WiFi 801.11b/g/n
WiFi Hotspot
GPS with A-GPS support
Bluetooth 3.0


Android 4.0.4 Upgradeable to 4.1
Dual Core 1GHz  Cortex A9 of ARM v7 processor
1.05GB internal memory
1.48GB ROM for Apps
PowerVR SGX531 GPU


Li-ion 2000mAh battery
168g weight
147 x 76.5 x 9.7 mm
3.5mm Audio Jack

Images are:

Qmobile Noir A10
Qmobile Noir A10 Front
Qmobile Noir A10 ranking
Qmobile Noir A10 scores
Qmobile Noir A10 Back
Qmobile Noir A10 Back

Qmobile Noir A10
Qmobile Noir A10 report

Qmobile Noir A10 side

Qmobile Noir A10 side

 Camera Sample Pictures are:
Qmobile Noir A10 sample pic
Noir A10 Camera Sample flesh on

Qmobile Noir A10 sample pic
Noir A10 Camera Sample In Natural Light and Auto Focus

Qmobile Noir A10 sample pic
Noir A10 Camera Sample Flesh Off